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Books read since 2015

and counting

Currently reading

I always have a few books in the queue.  Here are the current ones I am working through.


My goal is to average 1 to 2 books a month.  Most years I will finish between 13 and 15 books.  It's not much compared to some prolific readers, but it is satisfying to accomplish even this little task.  

Some of my favorites

Coming soon

The full list (since 2013 at least)

  • Job – a man for his time…

  • Bad Religion

  • Erasing Hell

  • The Prodigal God

  • The meaning of marriage

  • Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In 

  • The Hobbit

  • Enders Game

  • When I don’t Desire God

  • A sweet and bitter Providence

  • The Essential Handbook for Landlords & 13 Steps to Valuing Your First Multiplex (2 short books)

  • Bringing up Girls

  • Bible




  • What wives wish their husbands knew

  • The Cost of Discipleship

  • Invest

  • Lone Survivor

  • How we Love

  • Mormons answered

  • Community

  • 12 Years a slave

  • Don’t make me count to three

  • God and Stephen Hawking: Whose Design Is It Anyway?

  • Israel at war: Inside the nuclear showdown with Iran

  • Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption

  • The Art of War

  • Bible




  • American Sniper

  • Things I wish I knew before I got married

  • The mortification of Sin

  • The Ship

  • Stop asking Jesus into your heart

  • Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual secret

  • Last of the Breed

  • To kill a mockingbird

  • Preaching: Communicating Faith in an Age of Skepticism

  • Dave Ramsey’s Complete guide to Money

  • Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy

  • Ben Hogan's Five Lessons: The Modern Fundamentals of Golf

  • Advent John Piper



  • Good to Great

  • Christianity and Mormonism

  • Out of the silent planet

  • Perelandra

  • That Hideous Strength

  • The Explicit Gospel

  • Mr. Midshipman Hornblower

  • Prayer

  • God's Battalions: The case for the Crusades

  • Surprised by the power of the spirit

  • A Praying Life 

  • What does the Bible really teach about homosexuality

  • How to debate leftists and destroy them

  • True allegiance 

  • Why Christmas is the foundation for everything


  • Christless Christianity

  • The whole brained child

  • A Million Miles in a thousand years

  • The connected Child

  • The whole 30

  • You can't make me 

  • Create vs Copy

  • Veneer (Love Anna now so she knows I love her when things are easier!) 

  • Drone Warrior

  • Future men

  • Reforming Marriage

  • Bible (reading the year plan) 




  • Father hunger

  • How to enjoy your life and your job 

  • Submarine 

  • The lathe of heaven

  • The techwise family 

  • The science of God 

  • The bomb in the basement 

  • Spiritual Depression 

  • Capital Gains 

  • 1776

  • Unity of the bible 

  • How to talk so kids will listen (reading)

  • 4 hour work week 

  • Woke church 

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