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You've come to a place of learning, thinking and resting.  Life is crazy, but when we can tackle it together and grow through all the ups and downs it can become an adventure.

What's EverydayAdventures about?

I blog (and doodle) about life with Family, God, Adoption, Science, Tech and anything else that comes up

At first, life was easy, then I got married and there was some learning I had to do, but after a few years I started thinking:


"I got this figured out!"


Then Baby one came along, then adoption and baby two and finally (for now) baby three!  Add in multiple searches for homes and schools and churches and the hundreds of other things that ambush us daily and I realized that I really don't have a clue!  Life is crazy, but I think that crazy can be an adventure if we strive to learn along the way.  So join me and let's grow on this journey of life together.

Reading is one of my hobbies

I don't read as often as I would like, but I try and get through at least 1 book a month.  I like variety, so I split my reading time between many subjects including theology, business, productivity, History books, parenting and some fiction thrown in every now and then.  Check out my reading list below which includes a list of some of my favorite books.


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